9 Ways to Keep from Crying at your Wedding (and how to look good if you do!)
9 Ways to Keep from Crying at your Wedding (and how to look good if you do!) Whether you are an emotional person or not, a wedding can certainly bring on the waterworks.
- The seeing each other for the first time in full wedding regalia.
- The reading or saying of the vows.
- The first dance. Your dad’s heartfelt speech.
There are endless opportunities for you to bubble up...
While there isn’t a magic trick — sorry, no eye drops in the world are going to prevent your tears from flowing — there are tactics that you can employ to prevent yourself from crying. And if those fail, we also have tips on how to patch yourself up afterwards so those photos don’t feature you, the red-nosed, mascara-dripping bride.
When all is said and done, remember that crying is not a bad thing, though. No one is going to judge you for it. In fact, they may join in!
1. Work off your nerves
Tears are sometimes tied to nerves. Unless you are Super Bride Extraordinaire, most brides have some nervousness leading up to or on their wedding day. That’s normal! What’s a great way to work off some stress and anxiety? Going to the gym.
Take your favourite Pilates class or break a sweat on the spin bike. If there’s not enough time to do that, then go for a run or walk around your town. You’ll feel better.
2. Talk it out
Invite your closest girlfriends or family members, like your mum and sister, over the morning of (before you get ready) or evening before your wedding.
Go ahead and spill all — talk about your relationship, why you love this man you are marrying, what the day is going to be like, what vows you are going to read and more. It’s talk therapy. You’re bound to cry; they’re bound to cry.
Now you have a clear state of mind to continue on into your special occasion tear-free.
3. Cry, cry, cry, baby
Find an hour or two to yourself and pop your favourite, soppiest romantic film in the DVD player and let the tears flow until you are all cried out.
4. Focus on the funny
Trying to hold it together for your walk down the aisle. Look for things that make you giggle, like Aunt Kitty’s funny-looking fascinator (did she do away with a peacock to make that thing?) or the minister’s needs-a-trim nose hair or the nervous look on your groom’s face (he’s in the same boat as you, poor guy).
Now you have the tears under control. But try not to laugh out loud. Or do.
5. Eyes wide open
It’s easier to keep the tears from starting than it is to stop them once they’ve made their way down your cheeks. Without looking like a crazy woman, when you feel them coming on, try to hold your eyes open wide and don’t blink very often.
6. Breathe deep
Taking really deep breaths can calm your nerves and emotions. Think yoga breaths that fill your lungs to capacity and exit the air all the way. This tactic is also more subtle than number five above — there’s no chance it will be caught on camera!
7. Keep your make-up artist
Most of your tears will more than likely take place during the ceremony itself. Pretty up for pictures by asking your make-up artist if he or she could stay around (which may require an additional fee) for an additional hour or so to make sure that you are picture perfect for the post-wedding ceremony photos, and for your entrance into the reception.
8. Buy waterproof
From stay-put foundations to no-budge bronzers, select water-resistant options as much as possible when buying your new wedding-day make-up.An absolute must: waterproof mascara. Because black streaks down your face is not a sexy bridal look!
9. Use your hens
Tell your bridesmaids in advance to pull you aside if something’s not looking right with your face. Have one of them carry a mini-face-saver kit in their handbag, including a few key make-up items for touch ups, cotton buds and tissues. Now you’re fabulous and fresh-faced once again.
Have a trick for your fellow brides? Share it with them, and us! Post it on our Facebook page. Thanks in advance!